The political party that defends your right to own guns, keep your income, and worship freely is probably not the party to fear.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Woman is the Nigger of the World

We insult her everyday on TV
And wonder why she has
no guts or confidence
When she's young we kill
her will to be free
While telling her not to
be so smart we put her down
for being so dumb
Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
©John Lennon, 1972

Yeah, I put it out there. The “N” word. Of course, John Lennon could say it because he was acceptably liberal, atheist, and English, and I am not.

The latest woman to be demonized by Democrats is Michelle Bachman. Hillary Clinton, destroyed because she dared to run against Obama. Sarah Palin, because she is a conservative. And attractive. And she kept that mongoloid whelp who isn't even issue from her loins. And she ran against Obama. And now, Michelle Bachmann. She dared to oppose to the socialism of Obama and because Sarah Palin spoke favorably of her. And she objected to the radical environmental policy. And she dared question putting the ACORN in charge of the census.

But it matters not. Bachmann is an attractive Republican woman, and therefore, only deserving of attack from Democrats. Face it. The woman has wandered far from the Democrat Plantation for Women®.

Politico documents the attacks. “Ugly individual” by the Daily Kos. “Bizarre news story of the month every month” by DFL leader. “Just nuts” and “utter embarrassment" from another DFL member. “Further to the right than Attila the Hun" from still another Democrat.

The reason? "She is so principally and diametrically opposed to the core principles that we have," Donald McFarland, a Minnesota-based Democratic strategist, said of Bachmann.

And there you have it: gender traitor. Support for the Democrat agenda trumps everything. Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre pronouncement that Republicans are showing up at town hall meetings with swastikas and a Nazi agenda is perfectly acceptable because she is a Democrat. Barbara Boxer’s talk of well-dressed protesters in Florida ordering her back to California is accepted as truth, because she is a Democrat. Statements that may indicate the IQ of a bent nail matters not to Democrats. No, it’s only if you are a Republican woman that liberals will attack with the viciousness of a killer whale chasing a penguin.

Bachmann is from liberal Minnesota, which Democrats believe makes her vulnerable. Any attack is acceptable if there is a chance to destroy a conservative woman. (She is likely safe. McCain carried her district in liberal Minnesota by eight points.)

Only race traitor blacks can be Republican. Hispanics who work for Fox News are sellouts. And conservative women are worthy of destruction.

Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

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